Jun 15, 2023
'Scott Eats and Joel Hansen Vs Hillside Smoke & Que\'s BBQ Burger Challenge. This video was filmed in Lumsden, Saskatchewan. This was my first challenge while in Saskatchewan and possibly my first real BBQ Burger Challenge. We had 20 minutes to complete our second challenge of the day. If we defeated it, we would get the meal for free and a free t-shirt and possibly some dessert...If we failed to complete it we would have to pay the reasonable price tag of $20. Watch the video to see how we did. I hope the you guys enjoy:) As promised, here is the link to the first challenge of the day at Hillside Smoke & Q!!! https://youtu.be/Cp2LQotD6kw Follow me on Instagram: @scotteatsalotoffood Follow Joel Hansen on Instagram: @modelvsfood on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/modelvsfood/ Follow Hillside Smoke & Que on Instagram: @hillsidesmoke www.hillsidesmoke.com'See also: